Monday, October 3, 2011

Datura, Krishna Datura

  •  The plant is the source
    of alkaloid scopolamine which is
    used as a pre-anaesthetic in surgery
    and childbirth, in ophthalmology
    and for the prevention of motion
  •  smoking its 1-2 seeds help in acute asthma .
  •  its famous classical prepration is kankasava. very much effective.
  •  I love to use its Ras Kalp.
  •  also used in vata roga as local application of its taila i.e Mahavishagarbha taila.
  • In Rasa kalpa - this is ingredients of Sutesekhar rasa .
  •  its leaves can be one of the ingredients of patra pinda potali sweda in panchkarma for vata disorder
  •  people with Hrddrva with in normal conditions we can use sutesekhar rasa with sankhpuspi fanta .
  • its oil (obtained from its seeds by Patalayantra) is very much effective in ED for local application .
  • taraka vispharaka, madakari, vyavavi , vikashi,
  •  Patra pinda me vaidya gan apne nidan ke anusar dravyo ka chayan kar sakte hai.koi definate formula ki jarurat hai mai nahi samjhta
  • according to Dravya guna vigyan by acharya priyavat sharma, Datura stramonium is Krishna datura.
  •  Respected Sir and Madam Krishna Dhatur is the main dhatur plant ,expected for medicinal use where ever it is mention to use Dhatur one has to conside rKrisnna dhatur and not the regular dhatura i.e Dhatura strmonium
  •  datura metal,solanaceae,thorn apple,said to have been indicated in charak sanhita as kanak and in sushrut as unmatt,is also known as God Shiva`s favorite and its leaves and flowers are offered to Shiva . It falls in the category of poisonous but in medication its seeds form an integral part and play important role in many formulations. Very useful in asthma,opthalmic and ear ailments,fever,headache,artritis etc.
  •  Above picture i 've uploaded is the picture of krishnaa datura. its stem is more darker than normal datura plant also its fruits have less or no throns. and more whiter in color exactly as a golf ball.
  •  see Sanjay ranaji as far as m given to know there r supposed to be two varities the first one the red mere ornamental has its origin elsewhere though thogh found almost everywhere in india but the kind you referred is a rare one and is of medicinal import.
  •  may i knw how can we use it in acute condition ??
  • amitji acute ashtama iske pan ki BIDI banaker pilao sab inhaler bhul jao ge
  •  shubhas ji krisha dhaturame bhi tin prakar ho ta hai, 1 sada kala phul vala,,,2 phul ke ander phul yani duble phul vala or ,,,3 jeeske pan.. dali phul sahi kale hote hai or iske bijbhi bilkul kale hote hai ,,,,ranaji ye tishari vali jadi hamare sidha vaidh ko jadi hai or bhut bahut kathinae se milati hai jo SWARAN banane ke kam ata hai
  •  there seems nothing to be in existence as the third one that could lead to producing gold or swarna as u said its an illusion,a myth in olden days the vaidyas used to motivate their students and produce the desired results.however for a long time in india datura has been called kanak that has a literal meaning gold, it is gold but in metophoric sense.
  •  Dumbel do the result by shodhana , where as datura do by shaman method.
  • bawaji kshama kare per aap pryas kare aap ke HINDUSHAN ke kai log AATMA ke piche bhi yahi bat karte hai
  •  then without wasting a minute`s time lets first demonstrate and embark on a largescale production,by the time we reach the stage where we have achieved the capability to produce,the yellow metal,till then lets do make do with the white one..........
  • , in the intial stage of Rasa Shashtra there was a process to make yellow metal from mercury with the help of various herbs . but later it was disappeared . this topic ofcourse related to Rasashastra and Tantra sadhana. all the Bhairva yogi and natha yogies were capable of transforming mercury in to yellow metal.. in fact some of siddha yogi ( baba) still know this process.
  • but the knowledge that could transform india into a golden sparrow once again,why,what is the hitch why not together make a concerted effort for a good cause. But i have a firm belief its a myth, an illusion, a mirage and nothing beyond that at the believing in that is not scientific and trying to deceive oneself and all.
  • .Rasa Shastra even goes back to Rigvedic times, initially there was a method of PLANT ALCHEMY, not metal one ..out of which RISHIS prepared some elxiris and medicines which was a superb method than ASVAS and ARISHTAS having gerater results...during Mahabharata times there were magi priest-vaidyas who used to travel from one place to another practicing this system of method who are said to cured the LEPROSY of SAMBHA, the son of KRISHNA..they later were called Magis by persians who were the priests in IRAN, they spread some of new technique of metals preprations also into EUROPE and MID ASIA and then the CHEMISTRY developed...All was MAGIC like to the GREEKS so the work of MAGIs was called MAGIK and so the word MAGIC came in english later in pre-brythonic times..
  •  i had short stint with hindi also wherein some learned poet i would like to quote the verse but at the moment, do not remember the name of the learned hindi poet said` kahat dhtura so.n kanak par gahna gharat na jai"
  •  one thing is clear that in ancient India ; our culture was most developed than today we can see the example of Rasayana shashtra as Ashoka Stambha. 99.9 of pure Iron , but still no rusting in it !!! , same way old architecture of India , kotilaya arthashastra, jyotish , Ayurveda, shringar kala, vastu shastra, etc.... also in ancient India there were abduent gold in our country.
  •  Aaj bhi DUNIYA me sab se jyaada gold India me hai...just guess kitana bhi garib kyo na ho shyadi ke samay aurate sone ke thode to gehane lete hai..isase ANDAZA nikalo kitana sona hai INDIA me legally !
    bawaji mai aaj meri jindagi ek bat ap ko batata hu ki pure bhart varsh me koe aadmi NON MAGNETIC LOH BHASMA banata he ya nahi . mere pas aaj ek shidha vaidh he jo banata he .mera ye aap ko challenge hai aap ki puri ATF me he koi jo banaker de sake? ye bat nahi batane ki kasam hame hame di gai thi per aap jese mahan vaijyanik ko bata ne ke lia aaj tod di YE MERA CHLLENGE HAI KOI TO AAJ kal BANAKAR DIKHA LO TO HUM JANE
  •  ranaji jay ayurved kai bat asi hoti jo har kisi ko batae nahi jati per aaj bata raha hu pure bhart me milane vali lohbashme megnetic hi hai ajmalena hat kangan ko aarsi ki jarurt nahi,,mera english poor he, or ye sabhi bate mai achi tarah explain nai kar pata ye meri majburi or guru agya he

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