शिग्रु, शोभांजन,drumstick, Moringa oleifera

  • Science says that it is also useful in some type of cancers, growth, tumores etc... but ayurveda says it is kafa vata shamaka and ushana .very good in vata roga . but it pitta vardhaka.
  •  root paste is also used in treatment of worms, rheumatism and headaches
  • संधिशुल और आमवात का तो यह दुश्मन है और विद्रधि, अर्बुद,ग्रंथि पर भी ब्रह्मोस के सामन घातक है
  • yes....for Shula cases used in PatraPotali swedana..
  •  it has anti typhoidal activity......http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/PDF/pdf2007/4Oct/Doughari%20et%20al.pdf
  • Recent research: Indian scientists have discovered an even more tantalising application of Moringa oleifera, the drumstick plant "murunga", liquid extracted from its leaves can prevent lethal radiation damage to living tissues. The discovery by radiobiologists at the Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, raises fresh hopes that compounds from medicinal plants might emerge a major source of natural drugs that could prevent the harmful effects of radiation damage to living tissues. The drumstick might one day find use in improving the efficiency of cancer treatment with radiation because it can reduce the severe side-effects of radiotherapy. Radiation damage to normal tissues in the body lead to the adverse effects associated with radiotherapy.
    Researchers in Japan and elsewhere has shown that Moringa Oleffera extracts has antitumour and anti- inflammatory agents.
  • The main constituents of Moringa plant are : deic, palmitic and stearic acid, saponins, glycoside, gum, protein Vitamins: A (8855 IU per 100g), B1, B2, B3, C Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, The leaves, flowers and pods areused as significant sources of vitamins A, B and C, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and alpha-tocopherol (Dahot, 1988).
  •  Excellent to improve Hb% in a week or 10 days.2 spoons of fresh leaves juice added with 1 spoon Madhu to be taken on empty stomach.Practically experienced in many patients.Trust worthy.Can be tried confidently........
  • A compound found in the flowers and roots is pterygospermin which has powerful antibiotic and fungicidal effects
  • The root bark even contains two alkaloids: moringine and moringinine.
  • tikshana and ushana guna with kafa shamana gives drastic improvment in Hb% .
  • as symptoms of low Hb can be compare with "Kafo udara"
  • The seeds are oleaginous and yield a valuable oil commercially known as “oil of Ben”
    or “Ben oil”. It is stable and is suitable for cosmotological uses.
  •  Phytoconstituents present: Moringa oleifera Alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phenols are said to have anti-typhoidal actions...Have any idea about other researches ?
  • if we see the guna karma of this plant : seems to be work in dhatu agni madta. but need to be research on this topic 
  • .besides above activities, other research papers show that a)its root and bark aqueous extracts showed anti implantation activity.http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/13880208809053885.....b)seed extract showed antipyretic activity and dried leaves extract showed wound healing activity..http://www.ijpsonline.com/article.asp?issn=0250-474X%3Byear%3D2006%3Bvolume%3D68%3Bissue%3D1%3Bspage%3D124%3Bepage%3D126%3Baulast%3DHukkeri....c)antidiabetic activity..http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12499084....d)hepatoprotective activity of its crude extract..http://thescipub.com/html/10.3844/ajptsp.2007.80.88 .


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